Book Review – Too Much and Never Enough

Image: Too Much by Lucy Coral (CC BY-NC-ND)

Image: Too Much by Lucy Lantz (CC BY-NC-ND)

3 out of 5 stars

Too Much and Never Enough by Mary L. Trump is the tell-all narrative of Donald Trump and his siblings’ childhood, her personal experiences with the man, and insight into why our country is in the state it is today. She peels back every layer of the persona our president projects, revealing who he really is and the truth behind his so-called “successes.” It is a captivating story, made more so by the fact that it is so relevant to us today. 

Mary L. Trump tells the story of the Trump siblings - how they were pitted against one another by their sociopathic father in a struggle that would result in the death of Mary’s father (Donald’s brother), in Donald occupying the Oval Office, and in his weaknesses that are apparent to all but himself. She explains how the dysfunction of one family has caused so much chaos in America today. Mary L. Trump reveals several of what I assume must have been closely-guarded family secrets - the truth behind Donald’s SAT scores, his “success” as a dealmaker, and how he has been manipulated throughout his entire life by more powerful men. 

Although Too Much and Never Enough is a gripping piece, one that keeps you thinking long after you have read the final page, I give it 3 out of 5 stars. The purpose of the book is to inform America about Donald Trump, to persuade its readers to think twice about supporting him. However, the book is written in such a critical, antagonizing manner that the only readers who would finish it would have disliked Trump in the first place. The book would be much more effective at converting Trump supporters if it was written in a less bitter tone.


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